Thursday, September 30, 2010

     Ed Rollins is a Republican Strategist. He was the White House political director for President Ronald Reagan and chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee. He also knows how to play politics. Ed wrote an article entitled Democrats, don’t insult the voters.

     I have to hand it to him. He was able to pull key points out of a few speeches and write a very convening article. In an interview with Rolling Stone, President Obama said, "People need to shake off this lethargy. People need to buck up”. Senator John Kerry just about called all Democratic voters stupid. This shows that The Democrats need to make sure they do not open their mouths and insert their feet.

     Now at face value I see Ed offering sound advice to the Democratic leadership. I see him offering his years of experience in the political ring to a troubled Party. What a wonderful person. Considering he is a Republican, wait a minute. Do you think that he is trying to point out flaws and faults?

     Why would he be addressing the Democratic voters? Why would he be telling them that the Republicans are charged and energized and the Democratic Party is not? Would it be to discourage Democratic voters from turning out?

     There is an election in little over a month. There are several key races that might cause the Democrats to lose control of the House. If this article could convince enough people that their vote really didn’t matter, that might be enough to tip the scale in The Republican’s favor.

     I have stated in the past that there was not a clear message from the Democrats. This article does reinforce this fact. Slogans like “Don’t give them the keys back” do sound a little better than “Stop Whining”. Don’t listen to Ed Rollins though, I feel like both sides of the aisle are both very charged with the current political environment. I am look forward to seeing how everything turns out on November 4th.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Legislative plan

I thought I would continue my train of thought.

A few days ago I was watching John Stewart interviewed the chair of the Democratic National Committee, Tim Kaine. John ask Tim what the Democrat's message was. This is where Tim pulled a key chain out of his pocket and handed it to John. The slogan was “Don't Give Them The Keys Back”. Are you serious? I understand that this show is a comedy, but this is a chance to get your message out, and this is what the head of the Democratic Nation Committe thinks will win votes?

A few days later John Stewart interviewed the Former President, Bill Clinton. Bill told John, and the American People, a better, more articulate speech on why the American people should vote for the Democrats. From my perseption this speech was off the cuff.  This my friend, is another reason why the Democrats will be losing seats in the House. 

Thursday, September 16, 2010

How to Lose the House.

I wanted to share this article because is sums up what the Democrats have to look forward to come the mid term election, and why they are where they are. 

Popular opinion has the Democrats losing the house this midterm. But why is this? 2 years ago we looked toward the Democrats to fix what was broken. They told us they would pull out of Iraq. They told us they would pass public health care. Didn't they do what we wanted them to do? Why I think they did. Then where is the problem? The Republicans.  At this point I can't say what the Republicans stand for. I know they want us to forget about the mess we got in back in 2008, but  what kind of leadership will they provide if they take over? Well at this point no one can tell us, because there is no legislative plan. The only thing they have done in the last 2 years is point out every thing the Democrats have done and spun it to be the worst offensives this country has ever seen.The part that upsets me is the Democrats let them do it. Instead of going on the offensive and shutting all the spinsters up, they extended a hand and offered to work it out.

Read the article it is a really good opinion of why the Democrats are in trouble. 

How to Lose the House