Friday, September 17, 2010

Legislative plan

I thought I would continue my train of thought.

A few days ago I was watching John Stewart interviewed the chair of the Democratic National Committee, Tim Kaine. John ask Tim what the Democrat's message was. This is where Tim pulled a key chain out of his pocket and handed it to John. The slogan was “Don't Give Them The Keys Back”. Are you serious? I understand that this show is a comedy, but this is a chance to get your message out, and this is what the head of the Democratic Nation Committe thinks will win votes?

A few days later John Stewart interviewed the Former President, Bill Clinton. Bill told John, and the American People, a better, more articulate speech on why the American people should vote for the Democrats. From my perseption this speech was off the cuff.  This my friend, is another reason why the Democrats will be losing seats in the House. 

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