Friday, October 15, 2010

The sky is falling

It is almost time for a midterm election. Both parties know that the Democrats are against the ropes. What better way to get people involved then by sparking fear in the everyday American?  On October 7th 2010, Donna Brazile wrote an article for CNN. Mystery funds undermine democracy”.  The title alone makes me worried that America as we know it will never be the same. Donna is no new comer. She was Al Gore’s campaign manager in 2000. She is currently a CNN contributor.

She writes that the Republicans, with the help of anonymous supporters, have spent more than $80 million. She goes on to stress that these anonymous supports could be foreign governments, which plan on using their contributions to win favors of the people they helped to elect. The idea that after this election our jobs would be moving over seas at a faster pace is another scare tactic.

There are several groups out there that I would like to know more about. With social group’s ability to keep their donors anonymous, it does make it difficult to find out what the true motivation is. Donna wants you to jump to the conclusion that there is a secret plot to take over the United States.

I see this article as an attempt to scare the Democrats to jump into action. Based on public opinion the Democrats will be losing the House of Representatives.  I understand the need to jump to action, but there are better ways. Find out what the issues are. After you have educated yourself you can vote with a better conscience. Don’t let fear guide you.

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