Friday, October 29, 2010

Politics vs Politicing

                 Election time is on us. In fact early voting is now closed. I can’t wait for it to be over. Please don’t get me wrong, I am happy that I live where I do. I have the right to vote, and I have the right to voice my opinion.  It is everyone else’s opinion I am tired of.

                 I have a friend who is a true Democrat. She refuses to move outside of Travis County because everywhere else is too Republican. I have tried to talk to her about key political legislation, but no matter what the issue is, Democrats can do no wrong and Republicans can do no right. Well for me I am done with the diehards on the right and the left. I sick of everywhere I look there are slander campaigns being run to prove one candidate is right and the other is wrong. I am tired of slogans. “Just do it” can sell shoes but I want substance in my candidate.

                I blame Politics.  Before I really started looking in to things myself, I thought Politics was the art of Governing a Country. For the last 12 year I have come to realize that Politics is making yourself look good to key groups so you can gain their votes. Now I am not saying I do not believe in government. I am just saying that if a Politician spent as much effort in office as he did running for office, things would be a whole lot different. If people sat down and honestly debated the issues instead of screaming slogans at the top of their lungs, we might a better understanding of our country. People are so diehard Left or Right that if there is a different opinion than what their sides stands for, they will stop at nothing to prove you wrong.

                What is the cure? Knowledge is the cure. I have read more this election year than all years combined. I know where my candidates stand. I am proud to say I support both Democrats and Republicans based on past voting as well as how they conduct themselves. Read and understand what is going on. Don’t be a sheep and follow the pack because they yell the loudest. 

1 comment:

  1. Jeffrey, I agree with your blog titled Politics vs Politicing. I think you make a great point and I especially agree that if politicians spent as much time, effort and passion while in office, we would have a better government. I think of all the missed opportunities that these politicians had, to really listen to their voters. Now that the elections are over, I wonder if the politicians remember all of the promises they gave, in order to secure their vote. I'm not against all politicians and I do believe that a few really intend to make a difference. It just seems that something happens to those good intentions when the politician is elected and actually enters office.
