Friday, November 12, 2010

Michael Gonzalez's Christine O'Donnell Opinion

I read “Christine O’ Donnell: A Constitutional Conservative?” on Political Spotlight. This was written by my fellow classmate D. Michael Gonzalez. I have to admit, I was caught up by this years election process. I really liked the race in Delaware. I am no fan of Christine O'Donnell, but I think she was a perfect example of the freedom we have. Where else would someone like Christine be able to get as close to a seat of power as she did?

Michael's article starts off by pointing out the faults of the Tea Party candidate. I have to say that there was a good point made at the debate. The constitution does not have anything about “Separation of Church and State.” This phrase was a metaphor that Thomas Jefferson came up with later. The truth of it is the First Amendment states that there will be no national religion, there is nothing that says there has to be a separation. Now before we go any further there have been many rulings where we have established the “Separation of Church and State” and this is where we are today. I would have loved to see this really play out in the debt, instead of the spinsters adding this tab after the debate. I think it would have made for a much closer race. Christine did not have the mental quickness to catch on to that and play it to her side. No I think the race ended like it should have. She was not qualified to have that much voting power.

The article continues with the Tea Party's agenda. I have to disagree with the statement in here as well. The media has distorted this movement's image for the sake of News. I think the Tea Party is just an emotionally driven group trying to protect the country the best way they think they can. As misguided as they are, I still think it is a wonderful example of how free we really are.

There is no real reason to be scare of the Tea Party. Most of the candidates that ran in key races were not qualified and didn't win. Of the ones that did win, let them try working in government. I really want to see how they vote with their extensive knowledge of the Constitution. Don't buy into the hype that the Media has sold you.

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