Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hard decisions

In times of great unrest tough decisions must be made. The United States is currently is an Economic Crisis. Some say we are in the recovery phase, others don’t see that way.  If Congress extends the Bush Era Tax Cuts, we will lose $3 Trillion dollars over the next 10 years. Now President Obama can push to let them expire, but in doing so he give the Republicans ammunition to use against him for his next election. This is a very difficult problem. Alan Greenspan has gone on record and stated that he is in favor of raising taxes. In fact there are a lot of Conservative economists that believe we have to raise some taxes to deal with the deficit.
This is hard for me. On one hand I like having the extra tax cuts. I do not want to pay more in taxes. If I have to pay more in taxes I will have to give up some of my creature comforts. On the other hand I see the need to pay for my fair share.  I like having Police when I need protection. I like having Hospitals when I am sick. Though I do not like to admit it, I like having Congress pass laws that protect me. The truth is the Government needs the money or those services would not be available.
I say let the Bush Era Tax Cuts expire.   We are currently between a rock and a hard place. We need to stand up and make the hard decisions.  It will be hard but I feel it will allow us to grow and prosper. 

1 comment:

  1. In reading Jeffrey Edwards' blog post "Hard Decisions", I feel it bears pointing out that the Tax Cuts in question are tax cuts for the top 2% of earners in the country, or more specifically, those who make more than $125,000 or more per year. These top earners get special incentives purportedly to help stimulate the economy, as those business tycoons can supposedly use the extra money to hire new employees, expand their business, create jobs. All of which I respond to with a a big "huh yeah, as if!" Sadly, by the time of this response's posting, Obama has already caved to the unflinching extortionism of the GOP and agreed to extend these tax breaks for the wealthy. So fret not, my friend, for even if you -are- in the very small minority at the top of the food chain, you will not have to start paying your share of the funds that make this country function.
